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Monday, March 28, 2011

Boundaries - What are they?


"A boundary is a limit or edge that defines us as separate from others...where you and I begin." (Anne Katherine, Boundaries).

"Where I end and someone else begins." (Dr's. Cloud and Townsend, Boundaries).

"...any line or thing marking a limit; bound as to limit or confine; border" (Websters New World College Dictionary).
  • Like maps, boundaries help us find our way down the road of life.
  • Boundaries show us how to protect ourselves.
  • Boundaries point out unsafe places in relationships.
  • Show us how to protect ourselves.
  • Boundaries tell me who I am.

Boundaries & self-esteem go hand in hand.
Boundary violations occur "when one trespasses on the other's personhood, when one crosses a line and tries to control the feelings, attitudes, behaviors, choices, and values of the other." (Cloud and Townsend).

There are 5 areas of boundaries:
Relational, Physical, Sexual, Emotional, and Spiritual.

Abuse or violation in any one area usually affects ALL the other areas.  Boundary violation is against the whole person: spirit, mind, emotion, will and body.

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