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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Consequences of NOT taking Risk

The problem or complaint going unresolved

Change being avoided

Maintenance of the status quo, even if its negative

Others turning off to your complaints and pleas for help

No gains in life C stagnation

Over-dependence on others to take care of you

Unhappiness concerning your current status in life

Depression over your problems

Feelings of being stuck C immobilized

A chronic "yes, Y but" attitude

Lack of creativity in problem solving

The problems becoming exacerbated

Your rights and the rights of others being ignored

Experiencing "burnout" in facing your problems

Loss of support from others who have been assisting you in working on your problems.

Loss of physical health

Loss of emotional health

Being isolated and ignored by others as you wallow in self-pity

Your blaming others for not helping to solve your problems

Your self-destructive, self medicating, or self-defeating behavior.

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