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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Road Blocks to becoming a risk taker

Fear of rejection

Need for approval

Need to avoid guilt

Need to always be right

Need to know all the "ins" and outs" of a situation

Need for certainty

Lack of belief in yourself and others

Fear of being incompetent

Desire to avoid conflict

Unresolved anger

Poor role modeling in family of origin

Fear of failure

Unwillingness to face problems honestly

Lack of assertiveness in protection of your own rights

Inability to take the responsiblity for your own life

Unwillingness to accept possible negative consequences

Preferring to be unhappy, mired in your problem

Playing it safe

A need for security

Fear of hurting others

Rationalizing the lack of need for direct action

Denial that a problem exists, and action needs to be taken

Projecting the need for action onto others

Intellectualizing about a problem to avoid action

Exempting yourself of responsibility to resolve your problems

Alcohol or drug abuse "clouding" thinking

Over emotional response to a problem

Humoring yourself and others to ignore the problem

Over concern for everybody but yourself

Fear of pain (no pain, no gain)

Absence of desire to change

Irrational belief that it is impossible to change the situation

A disregard for the rights of yourself and others

Confusion about your role in handling the problem

Lack of ownership of the problem

Over-sentimentality for the needs of others

Enjoying the sympathy you receive from others for the problem you face

Inablility to let go of an old belief in a person or institution

A belief that life should always be fair

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