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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Stuck finding a solution to a problem that should be changed?

As yourself the following questions:

A. What is keeping me from solving this problem?

B. What is keeping me from taking any of the possible actions available to me to solve this problem?

C. How do I feel about choosing an action with an outcome of which I am uncertain?

    a. What is it about which I am uncertain?
    b. What is the worst possible thing that could happen if:
         I take the action needed?
         I do not take the action needed?

D. What are the blocks and barriers in me, keeping me from taking this "uncertain" action about which I am unsure?
    a. What are the possible consequences of ignoring this problem?
    b. What are the possible consequences of not taking the risks necessary?
    c. What do I need right now to take the risks necessary?
    d. What do I need in order to live with myself in case the action I take results in an even more negative situation than I currently have?

**If you find you are still unable to take risk, brainstorm the following:

Alternative, more appealing solutions to the ones you have already identified
Alternative, consequences to not solving the problem
Reasons for not taking a risk over this issue

What would your life be like if you refused to take a risk on this issue?

** Still not sure what to do?  Try this...

Visualize a successful solution to the problem in which you not only took a risk but were also a winner.

Keep this visualization active in your mind for a 20 minute meditation period while you rest in a relaxed state.  Do this 3 times a day until you feel strong enough to take the risk

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